Posts Tagged:CMO

72 versions – that’s the answer to how the IKEA Catalogue cracks “domestic bliss” in different cultures

72 versions – that’s the answer to how the IKEA Catalogue cracks “domestic bliss” in different cultures. Ah yes, it’s that time of the year again – 324-page IKEA catalogue time. The time when the 203 million copy bible-of-all-things-Swedish (that takes up 70% of IKEA’s annual marketing budget) hits the marketplace with some serious oomph! Quartz…

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Science Fiction is the Key to Unlocking our World

Science fiction is the key to unlocking our world. If you want to figure out your next business move, leap into the pages of some science fiction my friends. “Why Business Leaders need to read more Science Fiction,” headlines an article in the Harvard Business Review, and there are many more that echo this approach to understanding…

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[YouTube Series] Cup of Jo with Karla Congson

Welcome to Cup of Jo. An interview series where we have caffeinated conversations, with wickedly smart people, about how brands, are transforming the way they engage with people. Our hope is that Cup of Jo helps you, your brand, and the industry at large, with insights and foresight to help guide and empower success. Today…

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As technology advances, is reading in jeopardy?

As technology advances, is reading in jeopardy? Sitting in your local coffee shop with the aroma of freshly ground beans and the din of chatter, your laptop, smartphone and tablet can tell you a lot, but I believe these glimmering streams of data, rich as they are, will only ever be able to complement long-form…

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