Posts Tagged:marketoon

Pain in the Supply Chain.

One thing people don’t really care about or understand is that #logistics is a huge part of #customerexperience, which is a huge part of today’s #marketing. #wakeupimagine #retail #ecommerce #marketoon

Customer Lifetime Value. Is your customer the right customer?

A recent study from the CMO Council and Deloitte found that only 17% of CMOs track Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) well. Yes, as we all know acquisitions seem to always be the holy grail of organizations, but as #data shows retention and development are the things that pay off in abundance. Plus, decisions about customer acquisition, retention, and development shouldn’t be driven by…

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The next big thing…

Ah yes, the never-ending quest for the shiny spoon – aka the next big thing – pay dirt, magic dust, maybe a golden egg or two. Maybe just maybe a little #firstprinciples analysis, a dash of #designthinking, a smattering of some great #insights and #trends, all stirred together with some juicy #marketing fundamentals. Just saying… #wakeupimagine#marketing

Back to Normal.

Ah yes, we humans are creatures of habit and we want what we want. How many times have you heard in your life… “I want it to be like it was!” But the world moves, the world changes, and life does not stand still. As Scott Galloway described #covidー19 as “an accelerant” not a “change agent.” He futher iterated,…

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The Creative Brief Gap.

Ah yes, the #creativebrief, or lack thereof. We all know a good one when we see it or deliver it, yet all too often they just don’t match up to the out-of-the-box impactful creative both sides of the equation are looking to deliver. Case in point… Nielsen analyzed the elements that impact ad performance and found that creative contributed…

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Wasted Digital Ad Spend. Where’s your money going?

As the famous quote from 19th-century retailer, John Wanamaker goes: “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.” Last year PwC investigated where the money goes in #digitaladvertising and found a single #programmaticadvertising placement can involve 20 different players, each taking a cut. PwC found that a whopping half (49%) of digital #adspend is…

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Covid Risk and being Self-Deprecating

Love this! – With the maleficient maelstrom of madness, we’ve all been through to vaccines dancing on the horizon, I think it’s our ability to laugh, imagine, and be self-deprecating that’s buoyed us. #wakeupimagine #marketoon #covid19

Metrics M E T R I C S Everywhere

#marketoon – What do you measure? What do you value? What moves the needle – the right way? It’s true we can measure just about everything these days, but what really matters to your company, your brand, and the people and audiences whom you serve? What’s on your dashboard?! #wakeupimagine #metrics #socialmedia


With a Peloton Interactive digital screen and ecosystem of buff trainers, I see a home product opportunity for Red Bull 😉 + Chinese New Years. re.sil.ience – PwC defines it as, an organization’s capacity to anticipate and react to change, not only to survive but also to evolve. #Resilience is especially important today because the business environment is becoming more dynamic and…

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Playing it Safe

#marketoon – it’s definitely a tricky time for brands and the marketers who look to raise said brands to a conversation that matters. Playing it safe always tends to land you in the world of MEH, and nobody likes meh. Sure social media is a landmine-filled quagmire, but if you’re challenging the status quo, breaking into…

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